‘Mike Johnson Did the Right Thing’ on Ukraine Aid

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House Speaker Mike Johnson took an extraordinary political risk to defy the anti-interventionist wing of his party and push through the foreign aid package.Credit…Haiyun Jiang for The New York Times
To the Editor:
Re “$95 Billion Bill for Three Allies Passes in House” (front page, April 21):
Speaker Mike Johnson did the right thing! He acted as a statesman, putting country over party, and acknowledging that this act of bipartisan leadership could cost him his job.
We have waited a long time to see Republican leaders place the welfare of our nation and the world above their personal desires for power, and while I will disagree with Mr. Johnson on the majority of his stands, he has brought hope and help to Ukraine at a time when they are most desperately needed.
Perhaps we can make bipartisanship something to be applauded and not punished.
Susan Shelton
Falmouth, Mass.
To the Editor:
As an independent, I vowed never again to vote for a Republican after the chaos of the past few years in Congress and the spinelessness of the Republican Party in following the lead of a misguided former president. Then came a surprise from Mike Johnson that has restored my faith in my fellow citizens.
After months of wishy-washing, he stood up for what was right and just, putting aside self-interest and addressing the needs of our allies and our nation. I am so proud of him! And though I will think twice before voting for most Republicans in the future, I would support Mike Johnson for whatever office he chooses to pursue.
Mason G. Senft
Greenvale, N.Y.
To the Editor:
Speaker Mike Johnson has bucked Donald Trump and his band of sour MAGA obstructionists to do something for the security of the people of Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.