How the Manager of a Gourmet Grocery Store Spends His Sundays

Scott Goldshine used to be a picky eater with a very short list of preferred foods.
“Through junior high, it was poundcake, scrambled eggs, cheeseburgers, French fries and a little fried rice,” he said. The reasons for his particular palate were hard to pin down.
“My parents took me to a psychologist, who was the first person to get me to eat a hot dog and a slice of pizza,” he said. And his unique preferences lasted beyond adolescence: He didn’t eat cold food until he was about 40 years old.
All of this is especially surprising considering that Mr. Goldshine, 63, has worked at the Upper West Side grocery store Zabar’s — an emporium of Jewish and international culinary delights — for 46 years. He started as a garbage man at 17 and worked his way up to general manager.
Spending time with the diverse offerings at Zabar’s eventually taught Mr. Goldshine to try new things. Now he enjoys the deli’s corned beef, pastrami sandwiches, prosciutto, knishes, chopped liver and Ibérico ham.
“If my dad was alive today he’d be amazed at how far we’ve come,” he said.
Sunday is a work day for Mr. Goldshine, who was born in the Bronx and lives on the Upper West Side with his wife, Jackie Goldshine, 61.
EYES OPEN When I open my eyes it’s: “Oh, [expletive]! I really don’t want to go in today.” That’s generally how Sunday starts. Years ago, I made an agreement with myself that if I’m going to let work get in the way of going out and hearing music, I’m never going to hear music in my life. I could be out till 5 o’clock in the morning and still be up at 7:30 to get ready for work.