A federal judge in Orlando ruled that the law violated the First Amendment, saying it was “specifically designed to suppress…
Allison Greenfield has become a lightning rod for the former president and his allies, who say a civil fraud case…
The code of conduct issued on Monday, following reports of undisclosed travel and gifts, includes no enforcement mechanism and lets…
On first impulse, I was tempted to say something nice about the Supreme Court’s first-ever ethics code, which the justices…
The code does not specify how the rules would be enforced or by whom.
Prosecutors formally advised lawyers for former Vice President Mike Pence this past June that he would not be charged for…
The endorsement is a blow to the governor’s rival for the Republican nomination as the Democrat, Senator Joe Manchin III,…
Though it expanded the definition of discrimination, the ruling was a sharp setback for petitioners seeking a landmark victory on…
In a wide-ranging interview at the University of Minnesota that was disrupted temporarily by demonstrators, the justice said that ethics…
The former president attacked Justice Arthur F. Engoron’s clerk in a social media post that soon disappeared. He was called…